Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1772.02.13

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Index Entry Harpsichord, in lyric [beg] Women, by nature, cruel are 
Location Annapolis 
13 Feb 1772:21 (1379)
ODE TO DELIA, playing on the Harpsichord, with her gloves
  Women, by nature, cruel are,
  For though they all delight to please,
  Yet they all take peculiar care
  In pleasing, to be sure to teaze:
  This truth thy conduct, Delia, proves,
  Else why, when lovesick Damon stands,
  Attentive to the strains he loves,
  Rais'd by thy nimble pliant hands,
  Why, cruel, dost thou veil those arms,
  And rosy fingers, ting'd with white?
  ---Why, cause thus weak'ning musick's charms,
  Giving him pain, gives thee delight. 
  [signed] Philander.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1772.02.13 
Publisher Green, Anne Catharine and Son [Frederick Green] 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0019863
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